Acts Series
Acts 7
In chapter 7 of the Pentecostal handbook we learn how God worked with Stephen, one of the new deacons, in a mighty way and that he was the first martyr in the Christian church stoned by the Jewish leaders. Acts 7:1 Then the high priest asked Stephen, “Are these charges true?” 2 To this he replied:…
Read MoreActs 6
In chapter 6 of the Pentecostal handbook we learn about the apostles appointing deacons in the church to help grow and manage the church; especially the charitable outreaches. Then we learn how God worked with Stephen, one of the new deacons, in a mighty way and that he was the first martyr in the Christian…
Read MoreActs 5
In chapter five of the Pentecostal handbook we learn that the disciples not only benefited from the Spirit’s power but also received His judgment and garnered the Jewish leaders wrath. However, God grew the church and continued to do miracles among the people. Acts 5:1 Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira,…
Read MoreActs 4
In chapter four of the Pentecostal handbook we see how the first disciples were persecuted by the Jewish leaders because of preaching with power in Jesus’ name. However, the gospel continued to spread and more disciples were made. Plus, the church gives generously to help those in need. Acts 4:1 The priests and the captain…
Read MoreActs 3
Chapter three in the Pentecostal handbook teaches how to be ready in season and out of season to preach God’s Word and let the Holy Spirit perform signs through us! (Mark 16:15-20 & 2 Timothy 4:2) Acts 3:1-26, “1 One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at…
Read MoreActs 2 – Part 2
Today we will learn in the Pentecostal handbook how to pattern ourselves after the New Testament church. Acts 2:42-47, “42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching [Discipleship & Bible College] and to fellowship [Fellowship], to the breaking of bread and to prayer [Prayer Meetings]. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders…
Read MoreActs 2
Acts 2 in the Pentecostal’s handbook gives the historical description of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Peter’s preaching representing the inauguration of the church and the description of the early church. ACTS 2 1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the…
Read MoreActs 1
Author: Luke Theme: The Triumphant Spread of the Gospel Through the Power of the Holy Spirit Date of Writing: 63 AD Background: The book of Acts is a sequel, or continuation, of the Gospel of Luke and is addressed to the same man named “Theophilus” (1:1; see the introduction to Luke). Although the author is not identified…
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