Adoption to Sonship

Adam and Eve’s choice to sin separated humanity from the Father’s family because we chose to become children of a different father, the devil (John 8:44). Though we were cast out by His righteous judgment from the Garden of Eden we were not forgotten. Jesus came into the world to pay the price of adoption…

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Chosen to be Holy & Blameless

You are not an accident. You were created by God for the purpose of being like Jesus. Though God is sovereign and all-knowing, you get to freely choose to accept or reject His calling for your life. For those who choose to respond in faith to the Father’s call, you are chosen to be like…

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Raised with Christ

The reason why most American Christians don’t have a biblical worldview or live a different life than other Americans is because they haven’t been truly saved. They haven’t experienced a death to their old life nor received a new life. Jesus came to earth to die for our sins, so that we might no longer…

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Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing

You were made to live in heavenly realms with God on this earth. Sin separated us from our heavenly inheritance. However, Jesus brought us back into the Kingdom of God to experience all that we were created for. Now, by the Holy Spirit, we can enjoy our place in God’s Kingdom while living in the…

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Praise God

As disciples of Christ, we have countless things to be thankful to God for, however, Paul takes twelve verses in the book of Ephesians to help us know what his top fourteen things are. Let’s enjoy learning from Paul what He was thankful for and give God praise for them in our daily lives! Ephesians 1:3-14,…

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The Trinity

I pray that today we would all know God better; in a way that is more robust and meaningful than at anytime in our lives. God is three co-equal and co-eternal persons; the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, known as the Trinity. May the eyes of our hearts be opened so we can understand…

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Just like with grace, peace is not just an attribute of God, but Jesus Himself. Jesus is grace (“grace appeared”), Jesus is peace (“He Himself is our peace”); Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. All that is good in this world exists because Jesus is its origin and foundation. Our world needs…

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Life after the fall left us with painful toil to produce good fruit from the earth. However, the need to work hard to have dominion over God’s creation is not the example of salvation found in the Scriptures; working and laboring to earn God’s favor and salvation. Being saved according to the Bible is actually…

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In Christ Jesus

Understanding abiding in Jesus is probably the most soul satisfying concept in the Bible, after knowing the selfless love of Jesus’ sacrifice. However, these two concepts; the sacrificial love of God and being unified with Jesus are not entirely distinct from each other, but are like two sides of the same of coin. I believe it was…

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The Faithful

The people of Ephesus stand in history as great reminders of God’s love and grace. They were at one time pagans, separated from God and darkened in their understanding. However, by the Spirit enabled preaching of the gospel from Paul they freely chose to put their trust in Jesus. Their continuation of their faith in…

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