The Spirit Filled Life
Day 11 | To Each One
1 Corinthians 12:7, “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” Paul begins his training passage on the nine spiritual gifts with the above verse on the “inclusive” nature of the spiritual gifts. In other words, Paul was teaching all the disciples at Corinth that each one (every…
Read MoreDay 12 | The Gift of the Message of Wisdom
1 Corinthians 12:8, “To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom…” The first of the nine spiritual gifts that Paul listed is the “message of wisdom.” The message (or word) of wisdom is, “a supernatural revelation of the plans and purposes of God in the future.” The Holy Spirit uses this…
Read MoreDay 13 | The Gift of the Message of Knowledge
1 Corinthians 12:8, “…to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit.” The second gift of the Spirit Paul mentions is the “message of knowledge.” The message (or word) of knowledge is “a supernatural revelation of the knowledge of God concerning someone’s past or present.” God will reveal His knowledge about someone…
Read MoreDay 14 | The Gift of Faith
1 Corinthians 12:9, “… to another faith by the same Spirit.” The next gift that Paul mentions is the “gift of faith.” The gift of faith is, “a supernatural infilling of faith to accomplish the divine will of God.” This is a gift to do things that would normally be impossible, but God gives a…
Read MoreDay 15 | The Gifts of Healing
1 Corinthians 12:9, “…to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit.” The next spiritual gift that Paul mentions are the “gifts of healing.” The gifts of healing are, “a supernatural manifestation of God’s healing power.” This gift comes in many forms because it responds to the many ways a person can be sick. The…
Read MoreDay 16 | The Gift of Miraculous Powers
1 Corinthians 12:10, “…to another miraculous powers” The next gift of the Spirit Paul mentions is the “gift of miraculous powers.” The gift of miraculous powers is, “a supernatural display of God’s infinite power.” This gift can come in many different forms but every time the effect is the same- people acknowledge God is real.…
Read MoreDay 17 | The Gift of Prophecy
1 Corinthians 12:10, “…to another prophecy.” The next spiritual gift that Paul lists is the “gift of prophecy.” Prophecy is, “a supernatural message that brings edification, exhortation, and comfort,” 1 Corinthians 14:3. In other words, prophecy is speaking on behalf of God a message to people who need to hear His voice. It is not…
Read MoreDay 18 | The Gift of Distinguishing Between Spirits
1 Corinthians 12:10, “…to another distinguishing between spirits.” The next spiritual gift Paul lists is the “gift of distinguishing between spirits.” The gift of distinguishing (or discerning) between spirits is, “a supernatural revelation about the origin of a spirit.” Consequently, there are four different kinds of spirits in the world, which are, (1) the Spirit…
Read MoreDay 19 | The Gift of Tongues
1 Corinthians 12:10, “…to another speaking in different kinds of tongues.” The next spiritual gift Paul lists is the “gift of speaking in different kinds of tongues.” The gift of speaking in different kinds of tongues is, “a supernatural message given in an unknown tongue that brings edification, exhortation, and comfort.” The gift or message…
Read MoreDay 20 | The Gift of Interpretation of Tongues
1 Corinthians 12:10, “…to still another the interpretation of tongues.” The last spiritual gift that Paul lists is the “gift of interpretation of tongues.” The gift of interpretation of tongues is, “a supernatural ability to interpret a message given in tongues.” Paul taught that whenever a message in tongues is given publicly to the congregation…
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