Everyone is on a Journey


Some are on the journey of “self” where life is all about one’s own family, goals, and accomplishments. This journey ends in “self destruction” because self fails to keep any of those things (no matter how noble they are) after death. 

Others are on a journey of “religion” where they try do more and more religious & spiritual things to hopefully touch the divine. This journey ends in utter failure because the fall of humanity is too great and heavy to grasp heaven. It would be like trying to grasp air as a rope to reach the plane you have fallen from. One’s good works, no matter how good in comparison to others, have no real substance when compared to Jesus.

Lastly, some are on the journey of “eternal life” because they have already died to self & religious works and have received a new life from Jesus Christ. This journey never ends because it is literally “everlasting.” That is why in comparison those who are sent to hell are considered to suffer a “second death.” So for those who have received Christ the journey is a continuous one of God-discovery and not one of destination because Jesus (the prize) has already been given.

So what is heaven, the new earth, the resurrection, and our glorious rewards? Reminders that our journey of eternal life only gets better and better! We go from glory to glory by the Holy Spirit- even after we die. Think about it… Jesus, our destination, never ends. So I pray everyone will begin their journey with Jesus today and if you’ve already started- enjoy the ride!

2 Corinthians 3:18, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”


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