Five Things Pastors of Growing Churches Always Say

To grow a church takes talent and creativity- any pastor of a growing church will tell you that. However, when it comes to sharing with other pastors how our churches are doing we sometimes lack creativity and all tend to say the same things. The funny part about it is- we all think we’re the only ones saying these “catch phrases.” So if you hang around lead pastors of growing churches you more than likely have heard these five things repeated often.  And yes, I am “guilty” of saying them all!

The Five Sayings

  1. “Our church is so honored to have the team of leaders that God has sent us. Literally, they are the “best of the best,”- they always go the extra mile and make the church great- I’m just honored to serve with them.”
  2. “Whenever my wife preaches on Sunday everyone in the church loves her so much that they all say they’d rather hear her every Sunday instead of me (chuckle).”
  3. “All the feedback we’re getting from our visitors is that they have never found a church so welcoming and friendly. Its like they can see how “real” we are and that they really “belong.”
  4. “God is doing so many amazing things in our church right now that I am just humbled to play a small part of it. I always ask God, “What did I do to be so blessed with such a great church?”
  5. “My wife is the most discerning person I know. She always can sense who is real and who is fake. Seriously, she is the backbone of all my major decisions- God blessed me with the best when He gave her to me.”


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