Day 11 | Empowered to Prosper

3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”

What is the common response to someone sneezing in our culture?  Saying, “God bless you!”  Have you ever thought about why we give “blessings” to strangers when they have a physical response to pollen, germs, or the like?  One of the best answers I found was that during the time of the bubonic plague in the 6th century people desiring to ward the spread of disease by sneezing would offer this blessing.

In other times people superstitiously believed that you might “sneeze” out your soul and therefore needed God’s blessing to “keep it in.”  As strange as the two explanations may be, the simple fact today is that Christian and non-Christian people alike, offer God’s blessing to someone who sneezes- even to complete strangers.

The word bless can mean, “empowered to prosper/succeed,” thus in the above passage John is offering a huge “God bless you,” to the people, without them even needing to sneeze first!  He is simply saying, “I pray you prosper in everything you do and are in good health, just as your soul prospers,” in other words, “I pray that God blesses you!”

Did you know God wants to bless you?  He wants to give you success in “all respects” and in everything you do.  God wants you to be in good health and He desires for your soul to prosper in spiritual things like love, peace, patience, and joy.

How do we give and receive these blessings?  By prayer.  John prayed for his friends to prosper and as a result we can pray for each other.  You can also pray for your own success and prosperity too.  Make some time today to pray for God’s blessings in your life and spread it to those around you.  Maybe even do it after someone sneezes!


Who can you pray for to be blessed?


  1. Ask God to prosper you in three specific things today.
  2. Think of three people and pray for God to prosper them.
  3. Live by faith in God’s promises!



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