January 6 | Heaven Knows Your Name

Revelation 21:27, “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”

Have you ever stayed in a hotel where you made the reservation in advance? If so, you probably remember when you came to the front desk and confidently said your name expecting to receive a room key. You knew you belonged there, and that they should have a room just for you, because you had made a reservation in your name.

In the same way, John describes in Revelation, that reservations are made for eternity. He is shown, by Jesus, a reservation book for heaven called, “The Lamb’s Book of Life.” This book is not for a hotel, but rather for those who get to spend eternity in the kingdom of God. The only way to get your name written in it is to be born again (John 3:3). No matter who you are, what you’ve done in your past or where you came from, if you have been born again, your name is written in, “The Lamb’s Book of Life,” and heaven knows your name!

You are welcomed and loved in heaven because of the work of Jesus Christ. The day you accepted the free gift of salvation, from Jesus, your name was written in that book for all to see. Your current citizenship on earth is temporary, but your citizenship in the Kingdom of God will last forever. People on this earth may forget you, reject you and treat you harshly, but remember that you are a child of the King and have a reservation in His kingdom waiting for you! Francesca Battistelli sings, “I don't need my name in lights. I'm famous in my Father's eyes. Make no mistake; He knows my name.” Take some time, today, to meditate on the fact that heaven knows your name.

When you pray to the Father, in Jesus name, He knows exactly who you are and how to meet your needs.

When you face trials and various hardships, you do not face them alone because God is with you!


Do you believe heaven has a reservation for you?


  1. Be thankful to Jesus for making it possible for you to have a reservation in heaven.
  2. Pray for three people in your life, today, who don’t have their name written in, “The Lamb’s Book of Life.”
  3. Preach the gospel, as often as you can, with the reality of heaven and hell in your heart and words. A great question to ask people is, “Do you have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”

One Year Reading Plan

Genesis 13:5-15:21, Matthew 5:27-48, Psalm 6:1-10, & Proverbs 1:29-33.  Click here to read online.


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