July 7 | Disciples Count the Cost

Luke 14:28, “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?”

Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is free, but it will cost you everything you have. In other words, to be a disciple doesn’t require an application or a sum of money to pay a fee. But rather, discipleship is costly because it’s not a one-time decision or purchase, it’s a life long journey of obedience to King Jesus.

Jesus never manipulated people or tried to water down His message to gain more followers. He wasn’t “seeker sensitive,” but rather Jesus was always, “Father sensitive.” Jesus consistently pleased the Father by preaching the truth, rather than pleasing men by accommodating their opinions and feelings (John 8:29).

Today’s verse is taken from a set of parables Jesus gave to express the seriousness of being His disciple. Jesus used both the example of building a tower and going to war to demonstrate the kind of forethought someone should have before choosing to follow Him. In both examples the cost must be soberly considered because lack of commitment will end in horrible consequences.

The general, who doesn’t properly examine both his army and the one he is opposing, can lead his men into a blood bath. Also, if the person building a tower doesn’t consider the amount of supplies needed to complete the project, they will only be able to build a half-finished structure that will be dangerous to those around it and a mockery to those who see it.

Therefore, Jesus taught that all who follow Him and choose to be His disciple must first “count the cost.” Every person will pay a different price to follow Jesus, but no one can follow Jesus without giving up everything they have. Some will lose friends and family, others will lose jobs and money; and still some will even lose their lives.

Alan Redpath wrote, “If you look up into His face and say, ‘Yes, Lord, whatever it costs,’ at that moment He’ll flood your life with His presence and power.” All those who give up everything for Jesus will be given everything that Jesus has for them. It is a marvelous trade to give up one’s life for Jesus and the gospel. Take time today to count the cost of following Jesus and make a well-informed decision to follow Him!


What cost do you have to pay to be Jesus’ disciple?


  1. Repent if you have taken being Jesus’ disciple half-heartedly.
  2. Consider what it will cost you to follow Jesus all the days of your life.
  3. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to forsake all to be Jesus’ disciple (Philippians 4:13).

One Year Reading Plan

1 Chronicles 4:5-5:17, Acts 25:1-27, Psalm 5:1-12, & Proverbs 18:19. Click here to read online.


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