June 11 | To Each One

1 Corinthians 12:7, “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”

Paul began his training passage on the nine spiritual gifts with today’s verse on the “inclusive” nature of all the gifts. Paul taught that each one of the disciples at Corinth was given the manifestation (visible effect) of the Holy Spirit for the common good of the church. Paul knew that each one of the disciples in the Corinthian church could be used in the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit because they had been each baptized in the Holy Spirit, with the sign of speaking in other tongues (1 Corinthians 12:13).

The baptism of the Holy Spirit, with speaking in other tongues, is the initiation into the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. When someone is baptized in the Spirit, they’re equipped to be used in all the gifts as the Spirit leads.

The Bible teaches that both the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and the nine spiritual gifts are for everyone; God doesn’t discriminate by gender, culture, education or age (Acts 2:39). Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12:6, “There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” It couldn’t be clearer; God is at work through the nine spiritual gifts in everyone that is baptized in the Holy Spirit.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the initial endowment of power and the nine gifts are the “day-to-day” operation of the Spirit. Therefore, we as Spirit-filled disciples must always be willing and ready for the Holy Spirit to operate in us the gift that He wants to use. When we’re willing vessels, God will use us everywhere we go to display His love and power. Whether in church, out evangelizing or in the grocery store; God wants the world to know He is both willing and able to change people’s lives.

Think about the Holy Spirit as a construction site manager. He gives the right gift, like a tool, to each of His workers to build the church of Jesus Christ. God is in the disciple-making business and business is good! All God asks of us, is to have faith in Him and be eager to be used for His glory. God has always brought forth His Kingdom with signs and wonders and today He wants to use you.

For example, when you’re in church the Holy Spirit might give you the gift of healing to pray for the sick and see them recover. In the same service, He might give another person the gift of prophecy and to another the gift of faith. The Holy Spirit will give to each one of Jesus’ disciples the right gift, at the right time, to do the right things for the church’s common good.

Lester Sumrall wrote, “Each one of us has a right to every gift of the Holy Spirit, without exception. Each believer in Christ has the right to any and every gift of the Spirit. When we leave ourselves out, it is through unbelief. We say, ‘That is for someone else. It can’t be for me.’ But the gifts are for you! They are provided for the total body of Christ, and you as a believer are a part of His body.” Always remember, you’re an “each one,” so be ready for the Holy Spirit to use you!


Do you desire God to use you in the gifts of the Spirit?


  1. Ask God to use you in the spiritual gifts.
  2. Talk to your church’s leadership to understand the basic protocol of operating in the gifts of the Spirit at your church.
  3. Get ready for God to use you in mighty ways!

One Year Reading Plan

1 Kings 8:1-66, Acts 7:51-8:13, Psalm 129:1-8, & Proverbs 17:1. Click here to read online.


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