Day 12 | The Gift of the Message of Wisdom
1 Corinthians 12:8, “To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom…”
The first of the nine spiritual gifts that Paul listed is the “message of wisdom.” The message (or word) of wisdom is, “a supernatural revelation of the plans and purposes of God in the future.” The Holy Spirit uses this gift to give people wisdom about what is to come to pass and what they should do about it.
A Biblical example of the word of wisdom can be found in Acts 11:28-30 when the Holy Spirit told Agabus there was a famine coming to the Roman world and the disciples responded by saving money and started to send relief to those who would needed it the most.
In modern times many people try to receive a “message of wisdom” by going to psychics and reading their horoscopes, however, these demonic and superstitious substitutes are never truly beneficial. Not only does God warn against such things and consider it witchcraft, but they also bring spiritual oppression to those involved, Leviticus 20:6.
Therefore, God intended His people to receive direction from His Spirit, not the devil or carnal imaginations. In the Old Testament the Prophets spoke messages of wisdom all the time. Now in the church age, God can use every disciple in this fascinating and powerful gift.
Here are some helpful things to remember with the message of wisdom, (1) Never follow advice that is contrary to the Word of God- test every message and spirit by the Holy Spirit and the Bible, 1 John 4:1; (2) If you are the one giving the message of wisdom to another person always let the person know they shouldn’t act on the word unless the Holy Spirit and the Word of God confirms it to them; (3) Don’t be dependent on others to hear from God for you, learn to hear the Shepherd’s Words personally, John 10:27; and lastly, (4) Be in the habit of sharing your messages of wisdom (both received and given) with your church’s leadership- they will provide good wisdom and discernment, 1 Cor. 14:29.
- Ask God to use you to give a message of wisdom.
- When you give the message of wisdom only speak what you hear the Holy Spirit saying.
- Humbly follow up with the person you gave the message of wisdom to and see what the result was. Try to keep a journal of the times God uses you.