Lesson 4: Every Person Has Been Given Gifts to Steward.


Stewardship is the wise management of everything God has entrusted us with.

Scripture Reading

1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Main Points

  1. WHATEVER GIFT YOU HAVE RECEIVED: Take a moment to think about all the gifts God has given you. Your talents, job, personality, creativity, and passions. Then give God a big, “Thank you!”
  2. USE YOUR GIFTS TO SERVE OTHERS: Did you know that God gave you gifts to manage for the benefit of others- not to just to use for your own selfish gain? Consider each day how to use your gifts to help others and watch how God will prosper you in all you do- on the job, in your family, at church, etc.
  3. FAITHFUL STEWARDS OF GOD’S GRACE: The Greek word for grace (“charis”) is actually the root word for “gift” (“charisma”) which means all God’s gifts come from His grace (unearned love and favor). That is why God’s gifts are not considered wages or income because they are not earned; they are simply received. Therefore, be a faithful and reliable steward of all the gifts God has graciously given you!


Faithfully manage and steward all the gifts God has given you because of His grace.


  1. Be faithful in giving your tithes (10% of your total income) and offerings (anything you give after your tithes).
  2. Humbly acknowledge that God has given you all of your talents because of His amazing grace!
  3. Faithfully use your gifts to serve God by helping others.

[infobox title=’Confession’]God has called us to be “managers” that are “committed” to stewarding “whatever” “gifts” we have “received” from Him.  We are to be “wise,” “fruitful,” “faithful,” “trustworthy,” “multiplying,” and “shrewd” stewards.  Living “debt free” and “generous” lives providing an “inheritance” for our children and grand children.[/infobox]


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