Lesson 5: Stewards Can Receive More from God.


Stewardship is the wise management of everything God has entrusted us with.

Scripture Reading

1 John 3:21-22, “21 Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God 22 and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him.”

Main Points

  1. HAVE CONFIDENCE IN GOD: The opposite of fear, worry, and condemnation is faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God because He only rewards and blesses those who believe He is a good God. Therefore, don’t let your heart condemn you when you’re asking for things according to His will.
  2. RECEIVE ANYTHING WE ASK: The reason why the believer is promised to receive anything they ask from God is because they pray according to His will. Align your desires with God’s heart to receive all He has for you to accomplish your purpose.
  3. KEEP GOD’S COMMANDS: As disciples of Christ we are to please God by keeping all His commands- not just because we have to but because we love to!


Have faith in God to receive all that He has for you!


  1. Be faithful in giving your tithes (10% of your total income) and offerings (anything you give after your tithes).
  2. Don’t let your heart condemn you because of unbelief, fear, or worry but rather have full faith and confidence in God that He will meet all your needs.
  3. Please God by obeying all His commands.

[infobox title=’Confession’]God has called us to be “managers” that are “committed” to stewarding “whatever” “gifts” we have “received” from Him.  We are to be “wise,” “fruitful,” “faithful,” “trustworthy,” “multiplying,” and “shrewd” stewards.  Living “debt free” and “generous” lives providing an “inheritance” for our children and grand children.[/infobox]



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