Lesson 9: Offerings Supply the Ministry.


The offering is a gift to God after our tithes.

Scripture Reading

2 Corinthians 9:12, “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.”

Main Points

  1. SERVICE YOU PERFORM: Giving offerings is a charitable service that God expects us to perform with a cheerful heart because we have been blessed by the Best! That is why each believer should prayerfully seek God for his or her best contribution.
  2. SUPPLYING THE NEEDS: When offerings are given to trusted leadership in the church they will disperse the funds to meet the needs of God people. For example, when you give to missions the church guarantees that it will reach the intended people and supply the work of the gospel.
  3. OVERFLOWING EXPRESSIONS OF THANKS: Every time we give offerings to supply the needs in the ministry it results in many expressions of thanksgiving to God.


Be confident that when you give offerings in church you’re supplying the needs of God’s work upon the earth.


  1. Be a faithful tither.
  2. Pray and ask God to help you perform the service of supplying the church’s ministerial needs.
  3. Be thankful that you get the chance to help hurting people and give them the gospel.

The offering is a gift to God “after” the tithe and is given in a “variety” of ways.  God said it should be a “generous” “seed” given with a “cheerful” heart from personal “sacrifice.” Offerings will always bring “thanksgiving” to God because they go towards “charity” and ministry “supplies.”  We give offerings in “obedience” to God’s Word, “sharing” with others our blessings with a “gracious” heart by “imitating” Jesus and revealing where our “treasure” really is.


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