Day 11 | Rash Behavior

Proverbs 20:25, “It is a trap to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider ones vows.”

America has a big rash problem… a rash behavior problem that is.  From the White House to your house and from Wall Street to Main Street people too often commit to things they don’t follow through with.  Whether it’s in marriage, business, friendship, or politics- many people fall into the trap of dedicating to something rashly (without thinking it through thoroughly).

The Old Testament way to make commitments was with vows (sworn promises) and covenants (contracts).  The New Testament teaches that disciples should no longer make “sworn promises,” because our “yes and no” should be enough without needing to swear by something else, Matthew 5:34.  Though how me make covenants might have changed, the basic format hasn’t.  People in today’s contracts promise to do things in relationship to others doing things- like with a mortgage contract.

Here are some reasons why I believe people dedicate to things without thinking them through first, (1) They have a lust of their eyes, meaning, they simply go after whatever their eyes see, (2) People tend to lack patience- the right thing at the wrong time is still wrong, and (3) We forgot to pray and consult with God in all our decisions because we sometimes think that God is only useful for “spiritual decisions.”

Here are some ways to avoid rash behavior, (1) Learn to pray and consult God with all your decisions, be led by the Spirit, Galatians 5:25, (2) Remember, timing is everything.  You don’t have to act or commit until the time is right, and (3) Once you have committed to something- keep your word even if it hurts, Psalm 15:4!

Don’t get a rash; let God’s Word keep you safe!


Do you have a rash behavior problem?


  1. Repent for any of the times you may have acted rashly.
  2. Ask God to help you keep your word.
  3. Only dedicate to things you can do in excellence.


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