Day 12 | All Man’s Ways Seem Right

Proverbs 21:2, “A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart.”

The above proverb reminds me of what life used to be like for countless drivers before a “GPS” (Global Position System) was in cars.  So often a person would drive with directions on a piece of paper and an old map in the car and get lost without even knowing it.

Then most of the time the lost driver was a stubborn man (like myself) who would refuse to ask for directions because they thought with just a few minor adjustments they could fix the problem and be headed in the right direction.  However, the “MPS” (Man Positioning System) would usually make the problem far worse.

The same is true in life with all people- male, female, young, and old; too often we try to guide our own lives and think we’re doing pretty good until the Lord weighs our heart.  The loudest and most consistent lies we tell are the lies we tell ourselves.

Therefore, God is the real “GPS” (God Positioning System) because He is able to not only see the big picture in the present, but He also knows everything in the past (where we’ve come from) and everything in the future (where we’re headed).  As a result, it doesn’t matter what a person thinks about their own ways but rather what God knows to be true.

The Lord weighs our heart like a precious metals dealer.  He determines the purity (whether our actions are righteous or not), the weight (the consequences of our actions), and the value (how our actions effects others).  In turn, we should always ask God to “test” our ways before doing them so they will be right and pleasing to Him.

Man’s ways may seem right, but its only God’s ways that are truly righteous.


Are your ways right in God’s eyes?


  1. Ask God to reveal any ways you may have taken in life that are not pleasing to Him.
  2. Daily seek God’s wisdom for the paths you take in life.
  3. If you get lost in life, be sure to follow your “GPS” (God Positioning System).


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