Not too Proud to Ask

Often times we miss out on what God has for us because we are too proud to really implore and ask Jesus to meet our needs. In our modern culture we think too highly of ourselves and too little of God. As a result of our technologies and access to medicine we often times neglect to rely on God. I pray that we all can be encouraged by the story of the royal official and seek God with all our hearts!

Jeremiah 29:11-13, “11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'”


  1. Changing water into wine (John 2:1-11).
  2. Healing the royal official’s son (John 4:46-54).
  3. Healing the paralytic (John 5:1-15).
  4. Feeding the 5000 (John 6:5-14).
  5. Jesus walking on water (John 6:16-24).
  6. Healing the blind man (John 9:1-7).
  7. The raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-45).

John 20:30-31, “30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”


John 4:43-54, “43 After the two days he left for Galilee. 44 (Now Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own country [hometown].) 45 When he arrived in Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him. They had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, for they also had been there.

46 Once more he visited Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. 47 When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son, who was close to death.

48 “Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”

49 The royal official said, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” 50 “Go,” Jesus replied, “your son will live.” The man took Jesus at his word and departed. 51 While he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. 52 When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, “Yesterday, at one in the afternoon, the fever left him.” 53 Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, “Your son will live.” So he and his whole household believed. 54 This was the second sign Jesus performed after coming from Judea to Galilee.


  1. JOHN 4:43-45, “43 …he left for Galilee. 44 Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own hometown. 45 When he arrived in Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him. They had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival…”
    1. Commentary: Jesus went to His hometown of Galilee and told His disciples the reason why they don’t believe in Him is because they only know Him as Mary’s son; not the Son of God. Those who believed in Jesus were mostly non-Jewish Samaritans and non-educated Jews from other towns (like Peter and the other fishermen). Yet, to all who received Him He gave them the right to become children of God (John 1:12).
    2. Application: Stop looking for Jesus to be who you want Him to be and receive Him for who He is.
  2. JOHN 4:46-47, “46 …he visited Cana in Galilee… there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. 47 …he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son, who was close to death.”
    1.  Commentary: Jesus left Nazareth to go to Cana (which were both towns in Galilee) and a royal official (most likely a Jew working for King Herod) begged Jesus to heal His son. As Jesus was on the move going where the Father wanted Him to go He had time to help a royal official who was not to proud to ask Jesus to heal his dying son.
    2. Application: Don’t be too proud to beg and ask Jesus to do a miracle.
  3. JOHN 4:48, “Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”
    1. Commentary: Jesus rebuked those in the region because they were only coming to Him to see more signs to prove who He was. At this time enough signs had been down for the true seeker to believe, however, the people wanted more and possibly even greater signs like Moses splitting the Red Sea. Jesus rebuked them for their hard hearts.
    2. Application: Jesus is not your personal genie or magician, He is our Great God and Savior (Titus 2:13).
  4. JOHN 4:49-54, “49 The royal official said, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” 50 “Go,” Jesus replied, “your son will live.” The man took Jesus at his word and departed. 51 …his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. 52 …they said to him, “Yesterday, at one in the afternoon, the fever left him.” 53 Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said… So he and his whole household believed. 54 This was the second sign Jesus performed…”
    1. Commentary: The royal official was not deterred by Jesus’ rebuke, He wasn’t seeking Jesus to “prove something,” he was seeking Jesus to “do something!” Jesus showed His great power by not even needing to go to His house. The official took Jesus at His word and went home. The boy was healed just as Jesus had said and this resulted in the official and His household getting saved.
    2. Application: Be persistent with Jesus in prayer and take Him at His word as you journey towards His miracle!


  1. Stop looking for Jesus to be who you want Him to be and receive Him for who He is (John 4:43-45).
  2. Don’t be too proud to beg and ask Jesus to do a miracle (John 4:46-47).
  3. Jesus is not your personal genie or a magician, He is our Great God and Savior (John 4:48).
  4. Be persistent with Jesus in prayer and take Him at His word as you journey towards His miracle (John 4:49-54)!

How would you pray to Jesus today if He was the only one that could do a miracle in your life? The truth is, He is your only Hope.


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