October 29 | Overcoming Bad Time Management

Ephesians 5:16, “Making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

Every person on earth has the same 24-hour day. Most people sleep for eight hours, work for another eight and then mismanage the other eight hours. The big question is, “What are you doing with your eight hours of manageable time?” If you have ever felt you were too busy for the things of God, I challenge you to stop making excuses and prayerfully make a “Time Management Chart.”

I believe when most people chart their time they’ll not only find time for the things of God but they’ll also be convicted of how much time they have given to things that are not important (TV, sports, entertainment, social media, etc.) And even after making the chart if you find yourself with little time wasted- you will still be able to see how to make the most out of your time for God.

Remember, Jesus made time for you by dying on the cross; you can make time for Him everyday (Matthew 6:33).

Follow these three steps to manage your time. First, list and add together all your priorities. Start off by writing how many hours you sleep a night, then how many hours you work (include your commute time), then how many hours you spend eating, how many hours you spend getting ready each day, the hours you give to God in daily devotions and church activities and how many hours you do things with your family (activities, school work, etc.). Do this for each day individually and then add up all the hours.

Second, after you have factored in all the priorities of life then minus the hours you have tracked by 168 (total hours in a week). Consider what is left over as free time. Now you can begin to plan more rewarding activities with that free time. Plus, you can see where you have been wasting time and begin to restructure your life according to the priorities of the Bible and give yourself time to do the things that are really important. Don’t waste your life on things that have little to no value. Instead increase your time in the things of life that give you back the highest benefits.

Third, don’t let life pass you by; you only have one life so live your life to the fullest for God. Make the most of your life by prioritizing your time in a way that pleases God. No one will be excused on Judgment Day because they were “too busy to serve God!”

Do you struggle with time management? If so, pray this out loud, “Father, forgive me for letting my life get out of your control. Help me to prioritize the things that matter most. I dedicate my life to not being a busybody but somebody that is busy for you. Also, help me to rest and know my limits so I don’t burn out but burn up for your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


How much time do you waste a day?


  1. Repent if you have been too busy for the things of God (prayer, Bible reading, church, etc.). Andrew Murray wrote, “Unless we are willing to pay the price, and sacrifice time and attention for the sake of the heavenly gifts we [can’t expect to] experience heavenly [power] in our [earthly] work.”
  2. Arrange your day in a God-centered way.
  3. Be led by the Holy Spirit to guard your time because one day you will give an account for every minute of your life!

One Year Reading Plan

Lamentations 1:1-2:22, Philemon 1:1-25, Psalm 101:1-8, & Proverbs 26:20. Click here to read online.


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