Upcoming Leaders

The most significant things I have ever accomplished by God’s grace in the church always,

  1. Started with insignificance in man’s eyes
  2. Came at a sacrifice
  3. Required a level of dedication I had never had before the commitment was made. Meaning, the commitment was made not on a natural process- but on faith in a supernatural God.


  1. Please God // Don’t be discouraged if what you’re doing now is unnoticed and not acknowledged by man.
  2. Die to Yourself // Be courageous to not let fear or discouragement keep you from being sold-out to Jesus.
  3. Never Give Up // Bad days may come- but they will pass. Determine that even when things fail, people leave, and everything breaks down- your God is with you and thus you will see the victory!


Luke 16:10, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”


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