When I Say

When I say that ‘I am a Disciple’, I am not whispering, “I’m lost and still a sinner,” but I’m shouting “I’ve been saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost, and am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.”

When I say ‘I am a Disciple’, I don’t speak of this with cultural shame and the pride of self-pity. I’m confessing that I have chosen to be “perfect like my heavenly Father is perfect and will preach and obey all His commands no matter what.”

When I say ‘I am a Disciple’, I’m not trying to be strong in my own religious strength or profess that I’m only weak in the flesh to appear humble, but rather, “I am declaring by His power I can do all things through Him who gives me strength and His power is made perfect in my weakness!”

When I say ‘I am a Disciple’, I’m not bragging about my self-righteous success. I’m admitting that because of Jesus, “I am the temple of the Holy Spirit, more than a conqueror, a giant slayer, a spiritual warrior, and a world changer!”

When I say ‘I am a Disciple’, I’m not claiming to be perfect in all I do, but rather I am saying that I have been saved perfectly, completely transformed, made a brand new creation, crucified to the flesh, dead to sin, given the mind of Christ and any sin I may now commit I am quick to repent of so I can continually bring forth good fruit being pleasing to my Master.

When I say ‘I am a Disciple’, I may feel the sting of pain from this lukewarm Christian culture that wishes me to “cool off” and a sinful generation that wants me to be “silent”, however, I have decided to follow Jesus though none follow. I will find people to follow me as I follow Christ and will commit to do in them with the full authority of Christ what has been done in me.

Therefore, when I say “I am a Disciple,” I am whole heartily dedicating my life to know Jesus and make Him known- no excuses.


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