Disciples Are Faithful To The End

Series | The Life of Discipleship Scripture | Matthew 25:21, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masters happiness!’”  Lesson 31 | Disciples Are Faithful To The End  Jesus said the above words in the context of…

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The Mind of Christ

After an hour and a half long talk with my pastor and mentor, Anthony Freeman, Nancy and I were blown away by the revys (revelations) about the “mind of Christ” he shared with us. That following Sunday I spent most of the time in our church’s leadership meetings discussing it and how it relates to…

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Making Every Sunday Count

As a child I was always expected to be in church every Sunday. Even if I wasn’t feeling well. Only if I was really sick was I allowed to stay home- and in all my years I can’t remember if that ever happened once. My parents taught me to go bed early and make sure…

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Problem Solving Proverbs

Have you ever got into an argument with someone and said to yourself, “How can I solve this problem in a godly way?” The book of proverbs gives many practical and powerful verses to help you solve your “people problems.” Whether the solution is “dropping the matter” and “being quiet” or having a “healthy debate”…

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Ten Attitudes to Avoid in the Church

So often I as a pastor have to deal with attitudes in the church that are not “Christ-like.” So I thought I would share the “top ten” to avoid. Remember, if you do the opposite of these you’ll be all good! Ten Attitudes to Avoid in the Church Rebellious Attitude: This kind of attitude leads people to…

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When I Say

When I say that ‘I am a Disciple’, I am not whispering, “I’m lost and still a sinner,” but I’m shouting “I’ve been saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost, and am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.” When I say ‘I am a Disciple’, I don’t speak of this with cultural shame and…

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Four Ministry Paradoxes

  The most well versed and seasoned pastors I know don’t have books on pastoring. The wisest and most scholarly leaders I regularly read and listen to have never been on Oprah and asked “tough” questions about God/heaven & hell. The churches that I believe are most like the book of Acts are not in…

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How to Leave and Find a New Church from a Pastor’s Perspective

For the past couple of years I’ve been noticing that church growth experts and seasoned pastors alike have been concerned with a troubling trend in US churches, called “transfer growth.”  Transfer growth means to “grow by way of receiving new members from other churches.”  Carl George, church growth expert, estimates that 80% of church growth…

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Discipleship is a Command, Not an Option!

I would like to share some important things about the command of discipleship and why it is the only real option for you and your church.  (Note: I will be quoting some from Stephen Lim and his article found here.) The Command of Discipleship Jesus clear said in Matthew 28:16-20, “16 Then the eleven disciples went to…

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